Over 70 Indians rely on social media for news majority on social media

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Nearly 71% of Indians prefer online news, with 49% relying on social media, per a 2024 digital news report by Reuters Institute. The report, based on a YouGov survey of over 95,000 individuals in 47 countries, represents about half of the global population.

A survey by the Reuters Institute – findings of which are part of the report – notes that almost half of Indian respondents use YouTube (54%) and WhatsApp (48%), while Facebook and X are becoming less popular.

The 13th edition of Digital News Report, based on data from six continents and 47 markets, underlines that news media is being increasingly challenged globally by rising mis- and disinformation, low trust, attacks by politicians, and an uncertain business environment.

In India, more than half of internet users are consuming news online, and close to half of them consider trust the key propeller for driving news consumption, according to a Kantar-Google report on Thursday. 

The report found that interest in news consumption is higher (63% or 238 million) in rural India compared to 37% of internet users in urban centers, PTI reported. 

It also stated that 52% or 379 million internet users in Indian languages access news online through various news apps/websites, social media posts, message forwards, YouTube, etc, while 48% say that online is more popular in peer circles over traditional TV channels. 

The report estimates that there are a total of 729 million internet users in India. 

Kantar said that it conducted over 4,600 in-person interviews and 64 qualitative discussions across 16 cities to understand the news consumption habits of Indian language digital news consumers aged 15 and above in 14 states across 8 languages.

Statistics on Online Media Consumption

Recent studies show that over 70% of Indians consume news online, surpassing traditional media consumption.

This trend is more pronounced among younger generations who prefer the immediacy and interactivity of digital platforms.

Traditional media is still in play, but its dominance is dwindling in the face of the digital revolution.

Social Media: The Preferred News Source

Social media platforms have emerged as the leading sources of news for many Indians. The ease of access, the ability to follow live updates, and the interactive nature of social media make it an attractive option.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp have become news hubs where information spreads rapidly.

Popular Social Media Platforms for News


Facebook remains a top choice for news consumption. Its vast user base and the ability to share and discuss news make it a powerful tool for staying informed.


Twitter’s real-time nature and the presence of influential personalities and news organizations make it a go-to platform for breaking news and trending topics.


Instagram, though primarily visual, has carved a niche for itself in the news arena through stories and IGTV, offering a more engaging way to consume news.


WhatsApp is widely used for sharing news articles, videos, and updates among family and friends, making it an integral part of the news consumption ecosystem

Advantages of Using Online Media for News

The shift to online media brings several benefits:

Accessibility and Convenience

Online media is accessible 24/7, allowing users to stay updated on the go. Whether you’re commuting or lounging at home, news is just a click away.

Real-time Updates

Digital platforms offer real-time updates, ensuring that users are always in the loop about the latest developments.

Diverse Perspectives

Online media provides access to a wide range of perspectives and voices, fostering a more informed and inclusive public discourse.


In conclusion, the shift towards online media for news consumption in India is undeniable. With over 70% of Indians relying on digital platforms, especially social media, the landscape of news is transforming at a rapid pace.

While this shift brings numerous benefits like accessibility and diverse perspectives, it also presents challenges such as misinformation and privacy concerns.

As digital literacy improves and new technologies emerge, the future of news consumption in India looks set to be even more dynamic and engaging.

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