Elon Musk Was Reportedly Speechless When Someone Pointed Out a Basic Flaw

Elon Musk


According to the NYT’s story, Elon Musk was “speechless,” presumably failing to recognize that issues from Earth might easily transfer with humans to Mars. He invested in DeepMind not long after, yet years later, he denigrated the company in the same journal and declared AI his “biggest worry.”

Musk told the Times that “the AI they’re developing just crushes all humans at all games.” Dowd, Maureen back in 2020, mentioned the company’s initial breakthrough in AI can the auto play humans playing arcade video games. “I mean, it’s the plotline in ‘War Games.'”

According to the NYT’s account, Hassabis was an expert at persuading wealthy individuals to contribute to his dream of developing artificial general intelligence (AGI), and this was evident in his communication with Musk. The billionaire from South Africa started boasting during a tour of SpaceX’s headquarters about his plans to transport humans to Mars to escape the problems caused by overpopulation on Earth. Hassabis agreed, but he added a warning: if artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human intelligence, it could easily follow us off-planet and kill us there as well.

The brilliant CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, is well-known for his audacious aspirations to inhabit Mars. However, Demis Hassabis, co-founder of DeepMind and a pioneer in artificial intelligence (AI), was among his most outspoken and early opponents.

A recent report in the New York Times claims that Hassabis and Musk first got together in 2012 at a conference hosted by Peter Thiel, one of their common investors. The two men got right into talking about how they both liked AI and space travel.

The Basic Flaw Unveiled

We will examine the incident in detail in this section, tracing the events that eventually led to the identification of the fundamental weakness. We’ll analyze this unexpected turn of events, from the person who called it out to Musk’s initial response.

Plot Hole

Some unexpected information about Elon Musk, a former cofounder of OpenAI, has surfaced in a new in-depth analysis of the company’s past. Musk was taken aback when a fellow artificial intelligence enthusiast pointed out a fundamental problem with his much-discussed Mars colonization scheme.

But it was supposedly in one of these discussions that Hassabis identified a major problem with Musk’s Mars colonization strategy. In particular, Hassabis contended that humanity’s troubles on Earth will only transfer to Mars

The Times claimed that Musk was “speechless” at hearing Hassabis’s observation. It seems that he had never given any thought to the possibility that the same issues that make life challenging on Earth—poverty, inequality, and conflict—could also exist on Mars.

Elon Musk Legacy

Evaluating Musk’s enduring influence is crucial to comprehending his historical position. This section examines how Musk’s contributions to society and technology have shaped his legacy.

Hassabis’s suggestion, though, that artificial intelligence may be used to recreate Earth’s issues on Mars seems to have undermined Musk’s faith. It appears that he now understands that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to be a highly dangerous technology.

The Human Side of Elon Musk

Beneath the press, Musk is a real person with problems in his life. This section will clarify Musk’s difficulties so that readers can relate to the real person behind the visionary.

Public Perception of Elon Musk

Bipartisanship is nothing new to Elon Musk. This section will analyze the public’s love-hate relationship with Musk and assess how it affects Tesla, SpaceX, and other projects.


In this section, we will provide our last opinions on Elon Musk’s journey, the incident, and its wider consequences by summarizing the major issues covered throughout the article.
The tale of Musk and Hassabis serves as a warning that errors can be made by even the most intelligent people. It serves as a warning to use caution when developing new technology and to constantly weigh the hazards involved before implementing them.

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