Elon Musk is shaping up to be this generation’s Henry Ford – for better or worse

Elon Musk


A century following Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line, which revolutionized the automotive industry, Tesla CEO Elon Musk

is similarly treating electric vehicles.

Elon Musk is a unique individual who

in real-time, much like the Ford founder who transformed the auto industry.

In addition, Musk has been compared with one another for several years. Ford discovered a means to enable mass personal mobility, even though he did not create the automobile. In a similar vein, Musk popularized EVs rather than creating them.

According to Martin French, general director of automotive consultancy Berylls, Musk and Ford are the historical pivot points of the American auto industry.

“What Elon Musk did was shake up an industry that never really changed much after Henry Ford reinvented it 100 years ago,” French stated. Where would the automobile industry and EV technology be now if it weren’t for Elon Musk and Tesla? Elon has been changing things for the past fifteen years.”

Many people credit the flamboyant billionaire with bringing about a technological revolution, with his empire encompassing Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, and X (previously Twitter). electric vehicle revelation by finally making battery-powered cars cool and accessible. In addition to electric vehicle technology, Tesla has led the way on vehicle software innovations and appears poised to dominate the fast-charging market with its Supercharger network.

Both men were agents of change in the industry at critical times Elon Musk

Ford and Musk used their industrial power to drive down car prices and bring in a new generation of car owners.

Jim Farley, the CEO of Ford currently serving as CEO, has acknowledged the parallels. He made the observation earlier this year: musk has taken a page out of Henry Ford’s playbook with his attack on EV prices. His action resembles Ford’s in 1913, when the business began lowering the price of the Model T to increase sales and introduced the conveyor belt to its manufacturing line.

Additionally, Musk has acknowledged the relationship and shown appreciation for Ford, referring to him as a next-level gunies during an earlier this year conversation with Joe Rogan.

Tesla Brother’

Musk was hailed as a champion of the environment and an opponent of “big oil” for many years. Early Tesla adopters frequently bought electric cars for their environmental advantages and drove their cars about as a symbol of their planet-loving charity.

But like Musk, the stereotypical “Tesla Bro” has evolved into something more far-right and conspiracy-minded over time. In the meantime, a few of the first Tesla customers have started to separate from the CEO. bumper sticker Musk might even face criticism for his EVs. leaving tTeslacompletely.

For most of Tesla’s existence, Musk’s public persona has served as free publicity for the company; now, in 2023, things have gotten even worse between Musk and the company.

November saw the culmination of the situation when the billionaire appeared to promote X in an anti-Semitic post. feedback Fans of Tesla, investors, advertisers, and others moved quickly.

A Tesla investor named Ross Gerber posted on X, saying, “There is a flood of messages from customers wanting to get out of Tesla and do anything with Elon Musk.” A lot of people claim to be selling their autos as well. What the heck is that company doing with Tesla?

The downside of his ‘talent’

Despite maybe precisely because of—their success, Ford and Musk also have some weaknesses This could be related to the degree of symbolism both officers have accumulated throughout their careers.

Both men had grandiose ideas and charitable aspirations when they first started their careers, but as their fame increased, they started to promote less appealing views.

This is a very typical dilemma that is made worse by the halo of yes-man William Klepper, a management professor at Columbia Business School who teaches executive leadership courses, told Business Insider that he has a reputation for associating with high-status individuals.

Klepper described the situation as “the classic scenario where everyone is afraid to tell the emperor that he has no clothes on.”

Ford felt increasingly confident to share all of his ideas with the world as his star rose, even though not all of them were as widely accepted as an assembly line or a $5 daily wage.

Ford encouraged racist and anti-Semitic ideas in the media. bought me on newspaper to share your thoughts more widely. Ford’s firm started to lag as he shifted his focus. By the 1920s, Alfred P. Sloan and General Motors had overtaken Ford in the manufacturing of airplanes and hydroelectric power.

After World War II, Ford’s grandson assumed leadership of the business, leaving GM as the largest automaker in the world by 1929.

French remarked, “There are usually some complications with that talent.” “Some believe Musk has the potential to ruin his legacy.”


Musk’s influence on this generation is growing as he pushes limits even further. From transforming the transportation industry to aiming for space exploration, he is poised to leave a legacy that could potentially surpass that of Henry Ford.

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