Elon Musk says Biden opened border floodgates so Democrats can stay in power

Elon Musk


has once more attacked President Joe Biden’s strategy for securing the southern border, claiming that the president is intentionally allowing millions of people to enter the nation for the Democrats to maintain their hold on power.

Billionaire Elon Musk, an outspoken opponent of Biden’s border crisis, attacked the president on X late Friday night. He shared the headline of a 2021 news article that revealed Biden had planned to give legal status to an estimated 11 million people while in power.

Elon Musk hits out at Biden’s call for border dede no law needs to be passed

Biden has a straightforward plan, “Elon Musk commented.

“1. Bring in as many undocumented immigrants as you can. 2. Make them legal to establish a one-party state with a permanent majority.”

“They are pushing for a large amount of illegal immigration because of this. Uncomplicated but efficient.”

The report published by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for Fiscal 2023 demonstrates the sharp increase in the number of undocumented immigrants in the non-detained docket, which was almost 4.8 million in FY 2022, nearly 6.2 million in FY 2023, and 3.7 million in FY 2021.

Elon Musk, a South African citizen who immigrated lawfully, continued by pinning the image to the top of his X page account and captioning it, saying, “This explains why there are so few deportations, as every deportation is a lost vote.”

“As seen this week, it is possible to attack police officers in broad daylight in New York, receive no bail, give the finger to everyone, and still avoid deportation! Absurd.

In addition, he wrote that the attack by migrants on two NYPD officers “makes no sense” given that many of them had already been released on bond.

“What is even the point of arresting criminals if nothing is done!?” Later, Elon Musk wrote an article about a woman from Venezuela who had been detained eight times in the previous six months. “No prison, no deportation.”

In the past, he said that obtaining asylum status following an unauthorized southern border crossing was simply as easy as a Google search

The owner of SpaceX, Tesla, and X (previously Twitter), Elon Musk, has also hinted that the surge in undocumented immigration is a front for ballot harvesting in the next elections.

The billionaire retaliated last week against President Biden’s demands for the bipartisan Senate agreement to address the historically high numbers of undocumented immigrants entering the country illegally. It is anticipated that the package will include billions of dollars for Ukraine.

ILLEGAL Immigrant Population Soars Under Biden Government Data

It is not necessary to pass laws,” Elon Musk stated. “An executive order requiring proof before granting an asylum hearing is all that is required. It used to be that way.”

In a recent letter, Silicon Valley investor and entrepreneur David Sacks stated that the border is broken “because this administration refuses to enforce the laws we already have.” He agreed with Sacks on this point as well. In response, Elon Musk wrote, “Exactly.”

Elon Musk visited the southern border in Eagle Pass Texas in September

and provided a firsthand perspective of the migrant crisis by livestreaming what he saw.

Saying he has done “all I can do” with his executive authority to safeguard the border, Biden told reporters last week.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security, is presently being investigated by House Republicans for his handling of the situation.

Last Monday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, said that Mayorkas and Biden were the architects of the “catastrophe” at the southern border.

He is encouraging anarchy and disarray in our country, which is rupturing the foundation of our civilization. Johnson stated, “The president has the authority to halt this.

And now President Biden wants to somehow try to transfer the blame to Congress for his administration’s disaster by design, instead of taking any accountability or responsibility for what they have done. It’s beyond ridiculous, and nobody is falling for this.”

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