Bill Ackman’s Social Media Pushing Humanity To Oblivion

Bill Ackman Social Media


Benevolent investor Bill Ackman, worth billions of dollars, expressed concern in a series of tweets dated October 31, 2023, that social media is driving people to “oblivion.” To help users find common ground, he pushed Twitter and Meta creators Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, respectively, to modify the networks’ computer code. Additionally, he demanded that TikTok be prohibited, claiming that a foreign nation shouldn’t influence the future generation of leaders.

Reactions to Ackman’s tweets were not uniform. While some applauded him for raising awareness of the risks associated with social media, others condemned him for being alarmist or harboring hidden agendas. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that many individuals worldwide share Ackman’s concerns.

How did Bill Ackman start his career?

A solid background in finance and investing laid the groundwork for Bill Ackman’s career. In 1992, he received his MBA from Harvard Business School, giving him the information and abilities he would need for his future undertakings. After graduating, Ackman and his business partner David Berkowitz established the hedge fund Gotham Partners in 1993. His career in business and investing began with this venture. His accomplishments at Gotham Partners served as a springboard for his later ventures, and he is now a well-known personality in the financial industry, recognized for his astute investment choices and charitable giving.

Who is the CEO of Pershing Square?

William A. Ackman is the CEO and Portfolio Manager of Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P., an SEC-registered investment adviser founded in 2003. Bill Ackman is the CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, a well-known hedge fund he manages. Please be aware, though, that senior positions at businesses might change over time. If you need the most recent and trustworthy information about Pershing Square’s CEO, I suggest looking through the most recent and reputable sources.

Social Media’s Harmful Effects

Social media has been linked to several harmful effects, including:

Addiction: People often find themselves spending hours reading through feeds and checking for updates on social media platforms because they are made to be addicting. Relationship issues, lack of sleep, and poor productivity are some of the issues that may result from this.
Mental health concerns: Research has connected social media use to a higher risk of mental health conditions like loneliness, sadness, and anxiety. This is probably caused by several things, such as being exposed to unfavorable information, feeling under pressure to measure up to others, and being afraid of missing out.

Polarization: People are primarily exposed to material that validates their preexisting views in “echo chambers” created by social media platforms, which accentuate extreme viewpoints. Increased polarization and division in society may result from this.
Misinformation: Misinformation and disinformation thrive on social media platforms. This results from their architecture, which prioritizes content dissemination over accuracy in favor of speed and wide distribution. This may negatively affect public opinion and the process of making decisions.

How Social Media Could Lead to Humanity’s Oblivion

It is not illogical for Ackman to suggest that social media use could drive people to extinction. If social media’s negative effects are not addressed, society may suffer from a variety of issues, such as

A decrease in civic engagement: People may be less inclined to engage in civic duties like voting and running for government if they grow more divisive and mistrustful of one another. A collapse in democracy and other types of self-government could result from this.
An increase in violence: There has been evidence connecting social media to a rise in violent incidents, both online and offline. This is because hate speech, incitement to violence, and terrorist recruitment can all occur through social media.

A reduction in faith in institutions: Social media has also been connected to a drop in faith in establishments including the government, the media, and the scientific community. This is a result of the frequent dissemination of false information and misinformation about these institutions via social media platforms.
A reduction in mental health: As was already noted, there is a higher chance of mental health issues when using social media. The general mental health of society may deteriorate if these issues are not resolved.


The sobering claim made by Bill Ackman that social media is driving people to “oblivion” is noteworthy. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that social media isn’t always harmful. It can be an effective instrument for bonding and communication. The important thing is to utilize it sensibly and to be mindful of any possible risks.

Social media has a significant impact on people, and many people share Bill Ackman’s fears. Even though social media has many positive advantages, it also has detrimental repercussions on society, privacy, and mental health. Both people and platforms must find a balance that encourages a more positive and productive digital environment.

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